How to write the perfect resume
Your resume has to be perfect. It is a fantastic opportunity for you to showcase your qualities and experiences.
Stand out from other applicants - submit the perfect résumé.
The value of a well-kept, updated curriculum vitae should not be underestimated. A good résumé can't be written in 15 minutes - the best sometimes take hours. It's an investment for your future that's worth it.
Include a profile or mini bio briefly summarizing your talents and experiences. Think of it as a snapshot that gives the employer a concrete idea of who you are and what you can do.
List all your jobs, the period of time for them and give the areas of responsibility in keywords. This helps to assess the level of your expertise and experience.
Mention any special qualifications or certifications. Add details of your education and be sure to include information on related courses.
Prepare a list of your references, with copies of letters of recommendation and certificates / qualifications. If you have already performed a security / background check, add this as it can sometimes be seen as an advantage.
Sell well but be completely honest about your household experience and skills. Don't forget that the employer compares your résumé with that of other applicants. Sometimes it's just a spelling mistake that can prevent you from being interviewed. You already have to stand out with your resume!