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For Spontaneous People:

Housekeeper Training

We are looking for future housekeepers and offer a 2-week course to qualify for this exclusive job.

Career opportunities

The training gives you the opportunity to learn the most important areas for the job of housekeeper in just two weeks or to refresh your knowledge and learn new things. Get into this responsible job now.


The course shows you how to manage a household effectively, routinely and in a time-saving manner. You will learn exactly what is required in a large household: knowledge of the correct handling of exclusive materials and economical housekeeping.


We have a total of 5 training positions available. This training is aimed at anyone interested in the profession of housekeeper for an exclusive private household.




You should meet one of the following requirements to participate in this course:


  • Experience as a household / cleaning assistant

  • Experience as a maid / hotel business

  • Experience in looking after children or working as an au pair


Cooking skills and a driver's license are beneficial for a housekeeper.


This course can be supplemented with the online learning program to advance the level of knowledge. We offer you the "Exclusive Household Management" distance-learning academy as part of this intensive training for 50% of the total price. You can start learning right away.

Haushaltsorganisation und Arbeitsplanung

Themen: Aufgaben der Haushaltsführung, Arbeitsplanung, Etikette, eigenes Erscheinungsbild, Arbeitshaltung

Wäsche- und Garderobenpflege

Themen: Waschen, Bügeln, Legen, Materialpflege

Basiskenntnisse Service

Themen: Tischkultur, Tischdekoration, Servieren und Gästebewirtung

Küchenorganisation, Hygiene

Themen: Küchenordnung, Vorratshaltung, Hygiene, 

Reinigung und Pflege hochwertigen Inventars

Themen: Reinigung ohne Chemie, Oberflächenarten und deren Reinigung und Pflege, Ordnungssysteme, Behandlung von textilen Materialien und Leder, Reinigen der verschiedenen Wohnräume



18 to 29 January 2021

Course duration / times

2 weeks, Mon-Fri 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. in 1010 Vienna

Course costs

EUR 2,100

including 20% ​​VAT


Installment payments possible on request!

For last-minute travelers, we also offer the option of paying in installments!


Personal funding is possible through the Public Employment Service. Please contact your /

Your AMS supervisor.

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